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The Vision was SO clear!

Writer: Sarah BuerkleySarah Buerkley

23 years ago when I saw myself on a hill, surrounded by a mass of bright colors. I was so young in my life, I was only 30 years old. I have never forgotten it and step forward each day to try to arrive in that vision someday.

I turned those bright colors into flowers in my thoughts and began growing them as much as I could. For many years I thought the 3 acres of gardens around my home was it, but since then, have discovered it was only a step stone to what really would be the purpose for my life.

Breaking ground on our 40 acre parcel of raw land last year was the beginning to my life’s greatest work, and I do feel now, my purpose all along. As I recall the vision of being on a hill, looking out on the spans of land covered in flowers. I have found that spot on this new parcel!! I can literally stand on a hill, turn 360, and see the land roll off into fields of flowers!

So here I have pondered, over the past few years as we sat on the land, waiting for the sign to go ahead with what to do with it. What will we grow? What can support our labor? What will be long lasting to last for another generation??

And then it came… I began to remember my grandma’s garden of peonies. For weeks my thoughts would continue to go to her, her love for us, and her love for peonies. Then to the colors of the peonies, the ruffles of their petals, and the overall love the world has for them as I have learned from my time working with florists and bouquets. I dug deeper and thought of how easy they are for me to grow in MN for my clients and in my own garden… BONUS the deer don’t eat them!! Because, seriously, how could I possibly fence in a 40 acre parcel. 😳🤣

More research continued about growing in mass and the process of harvesting quality blooms. I was already growing 1 acre of them on our flower farm, so testing theories was happening and knowledge was building. Everyone I talked to about it thought I was crazy! But I had such a strong feeling I was on the right path. Until It was decided! We are ALL in! No looking back!

Over 15,000 roots arrived last fall and we were ready! The field had been plowed, soil amended in a pattern that fit the land, and the size for peonies to grow and thrive for 100 years. We continued to mulch the rows and water, by hand, with a tank pulled by a trailer, lol! The first snow came early and I felt like it was a gift to let me know that the babies will be safe thru the winter. 🙏🏻 Never thinking it would be a winter of record snowfall, to insulate and protect the tiny roots from freeze, thaw, heave.

So to say that I am excited for spring this year is an understatement. It will mean everything to me and my family to show that we are on the right path to become the greatest project in my life’s work and the purpose of my life.

If all looks good this spring we will push on to build another 10 acres of them and continue to tend the crop until it is established and ready to harvest which is 2-3 years out. A long term project indeed. ☺️

So much more to come. Stay tuned 🫶



Grow & Gather Workshop

with Ashley Fox Desgins

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@2024 Sarah's Cottage Creations Flower Farm

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